anisotropic magnetoresistance effect
High-throughput evaluation of half-metallicity of Co2MnSi Heusler alloys using composition-spread films and spin-integrated hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
nanocatalytic therapy
Nanocatalytic NO gas therapy against orthotopic oral squamous cell carcinoma by single iron atomic nanocatalysts
3D printing
Biofabrication of engineered blood vessels for biomedical applications
Adaptive plasticity of auxetic Kirigami hydrogel fabricated from anisotropic swelling of cellulose nanofiber film
3D recognition
Fully printed non-contact touch sensors based on GCN/PDMS composites: enabling over-the-bottom detection, 3D recognition, and wireless transmission
dry adhesive
Vacuum-powered soft actuator with oblique air chambers for easy detachment of artificial dry adhesive by coupled contraction and twisting
AFM indentation
Mapping stress inside living cells by atomic force microscopy in response to environmental stimuli
actomyosin bundle
Photoactivatable surfaces resolve the impact of gravity vector on collective cell migratory characteristics