Web screening system
ScholarOne Manusctipts (manuscriptcentral.com)

STAM website
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials (Taylor & Francis Online)

STAM is an Open Access Journal (Gold Model)

  • Regular article papers and regular review papers are included. In addition, there are essays called “Vision” that share visions from various fields with readers.
  • There are Focus Issue articles and Focus Issue reviews, which focus on an area of interest, and also Invited reviews, Invited articles.
  • Online publication as needed from articles available for publication
  • Authorship conforms to the Creative Commons License CC-BY (a concept that permits partial reuse of articles for research and educational purposes and leaves the fulfillment of copyright to the author)
  • On-demand printing of Focus Issue, Editor’s Choice, etc. as a collection of selected papers (distributed according to conference and workshop themes)

Editorial policy: What kind of review system do you have in place?

The STAM Editorial Board is composed of experts in the field of materials science and is assigned to each field. The editorial board members in charge of reviewing the submitted papers make a decision on acceptance or rejection based on the opinions of experts who are deemed suitable by the editorial board members in charge, and the editorial board gives the final approval. The Editorial Board may request authors to revise their manuscripts through the Editorial Office when necessary.

[Paper Review Process]

  • The editorial board member in charge will request two reviewers in principle, depending on the content of the paper, to review the paper using the Web system.
  • The reviewer who has accepted the request logs in to the designated URL provided by e-mail and fills in the review results in the designated web form. When the reviewer completes the web form, an email notifying the completion of the review will be sent to the editorial board member in charge in conjunction with the review.
  • In principle, reviewers are required to report the review results within two weeks.

Review policy: What kind of papers do you want to include in STAM?

STAM is an original journal that publishes research results of science and technology related to materials science in general. Therefore, in addition to the question of originality as an original paper, please judge whether or not the paper will be beneficial to STAM readers from the following perspectives:

  • Care should be taken to write down the content of the paper in plain language so that readers in neighboring or nearby fields can understand it.
  • The content of the paper should be suitable for sharing research results on materials science with a wide range of readers, regardless of the field of theory or experiment.
  • The review article should explain the direction of the latest research and technological development in materials science and technology in a way that readers outside the related fields can understand.