Web-based submission (from submission to paper status inquiry)
ScholarOne Manuscripts (manuscriptcentral.com)

Rules on partial use and citation from third-party publications
Using third-party material in your paper

STAM Policy on Copyright
STAM is an open access journal. We grant permission for reuse of articles by authors and readers for research and educational purposes, subject to the Creative Commons License CC-BY, which permits reuse of articles with an acknowledgement of their source. Please contact the STAM Editorial Office if you have any questions about commercial use or adaptation.

STAM is a Gold Open Access Model journal.

  • Publication of review articles and original research papers
  • Plan a focus issues on areas of interest
  • Online publication of articles as soon as they are accepted for publication
  • An open-access online journal that is free of charge, with publication support from NIMS and partial funding by the author
  • Copyright and terms of use conform to the Creative Commons License CC-BY (partial reuse of articles for research and educational purposes is permitted, with copyright fulfillment remaining with the author)
  • On-demand printing of focus issues, Editor’s Choice, etc., as a collection of selected papers (distributed in accordance with the themes of conferences and workshops).

Proposals for focus issues are welcome at any time. Please contact the STAM Editorial Office.

Before writing your paper

STAM is an original paper journal that publishes academic and technical research results related to materials science in general. Therefore, it is expected that the content of the papers will be written in plain language so that readers in neighboring fields will be able to understand them. When using abbreviated terms, please spell them out in full at the first appearance. In addition to original papers, STAM actively publishes review papers to explain the direction of the latest research and technological development in materials science to readers outside of the related fields.

Areas of focus for the Editorial Board

The latest research results, including nanoscience and advanced technology, covering the general field of materials science related to environment/energy, electronics/optics, biology/medicine, etc. →STAM Article Classifications

Editorial Board

The Editorial Board of STAM is composed of experts in the field of materials science, and edits the journal according to each field. The Editorial Board makes a decision on the acceptance or rejection of a paper based on the opinions of experts who are judged to be qualified by the Editorial Board members in charge, and the Editorial Board gives final approval to the paper. The Editorial Board gives final approval.

Process after publication is confirmed

Once the manuscript is accepted for publication, the editorial office confirms the appearance and file format of the manuscript, and the Taylor & Francis Production Division begins production. The online version of the paper will be published in order of readiness. The online version will be automatically registered in secondary information databases such as INSPEC, Science Direct, METADEX, Aluminum Industry Abstract, Eng.

Rules for submission

1. Language


2. Types of papers

  • Regular article
  • Regular review
  • Focus Issue article: Research papers that focus on an area of interest. In most cases, focus issues are planned by the Editorial Board and submitted after receiving a request for writing from the Editor-in-Chief, but if you have a proposal for a project, please contact the Editorial Office.
  • Focus Issue review: Review articles that focus on an area of interest. In most cases, focus issues are planned by the Editorial Board and submitted after receiving a request for writing from the Editor-in-Chief, but if you have a proposal for a project, please contact the Editorial Office.
  • Vision (commissioned only): These essays share with readers visions from a variety of fields. Submissions will be accepted after receiving a request to write from the Editor-in-Chief.
  • Invited review (commissioned only):Review papers requested by the Editor-in-Chief
  • Invited article (commissioned only):Original papers requested by the Editor-in-Chief.

3. Prohibition of Double Submission

You may not submit a paper that has the same content as a paper currently submitted to or published in an original journal (in any language), including STAM. When submitting a paper that has the same originality as a paper currently submitted to or published in a non-original journal, such as a preprint server, international conference proceedings, or conference proceedings, please attach a reprint of the original paper as a reference.

4. Article Processing Charge

The Article Processing Charge (APC) is US$1200 / £925 / €1,060 / ¥131,000 (*). When your paper is accepted for publication, you will be contacted by e-mail with a request for payment.
 (*) Depending on the currency, the payment method may be limited. Depending on your location, these charges may be subject to local taxes. Please contact us for details.
The fee includes the following services:

  • Review of papers
  • Proofreading if required by peer review results
  • Authorship of first draft
  • Online publication
  • Registration of the bibliographic information of the paper in a database after publication
  • Article promotion at international and domestic conferences or online

5. How to submit

Web Submission. →ScholarOne Manuscripts (manuscriptcentral.com)

Manuscript format and template
  • The Word template can be downloaded from this page, and the LaTex template can be downloaded as a zip file.
  • When you upload your manuscript for peer review from the web submission system (ScholarOne), we recommend that you submit your manuscript in a single PDF file format. (Each original manuscript will be uploaded after the paper is accepted.)
  • Figures, photos, tables, etc.: TIFF, EPS or PDF. MS Office files (Word, Powerpoint, Excel) are also accepted.
  • Detailed information about drawing/resolution/images and videos →Preparing your paper
  • Standard fonts: Arial, Courier, Helvetica, Symbol, Times, Times New Roman.
  • Paper preparation instruction → Instructions for authors (see here for more information) ・Style of references →Detailed information
  • Please make sure that your manuscript meets the following elements and that they are in order at the time of submission.
    1)Title/Author/Affiliation/Footnotes (if necessary)
    3)Classification number (selected at the time of SchlarOne submission)
    5)References (as the minimum information required by reviewers)
    6)Figures and their captions, tables and their captions
    7)Whether the submitted paper is listed in the order of 1-6
    8)Are the quality of figures and images appropriate for a scientific journal maintained?
    In addition to the above, please prepare a Graphical Abstract in a separate file. For details on file format, etc., please refer to Instructions for authors.
  • If you wish to use previously published material in your manuscript, you must submit a permission form for reprinting. In addition, a copyright agreement must be submitted before publication is finalized. No publication will be permitted without the submission of a copyright agreement.

6. Recommendation System for Review Candidates

Up to five experts who are suitable for judging the content of the submitted paper may be nominated as candidates. The Editorial Board will consider the nominations, but is not limited to them.

7. Withdrawal after submission

If you need to make substantial changes to the content of your paper after submission, please contact the Editorial Office to withdraw your submission.

8. Review and Revision of Manuscripts

The Editorial Office will contact the author(s) of the paper when revisions are necessary according to the judgment of the editorial board members in charge of the paper. Authors are requested to revise and submit their manuscripts within the following deadlines from the date of notification of the review results.

  • Minor Revision – 7 days
  • Moderate Revision – 14 days
  • Major Revision – 28 days

9. Notification of Acceptance or Rejection

The result of acceptance or rejection will be notified by e-mail from the Editorial Office. After the acceptance of an article for publication, if the content has to be changed due to unavoidable circumstances, the publication of the article may be delayed after a second decision by the editorial board.

10. Color online edition

We can publish an article with Color figures and photographs. Please use color actively.


STAM is edited and published by the National Institute for Materials Science (1-2-1 Sengen, Tsukuba, Japan). The copyrights of the published articles are jointly owned by NIMS and the authors. Copyright here means (1) the right of reproduction and (2) the right to use derivative works (the right of translation into a specific country, language, etc.). Therefore, (3) rights of originality and ingenuity, (4) moral rights, (5) design rights, and (6) patent rights are not included in the content of the transfer.

12.Publication and secondary use of articles

Articles to be published in STAM will be made available via the internet or paper media in the following manner.

1) web-based version (published sequentially from papers that are accepted)
2) paper version (printed on demand for distribution at conferences, etc.)
3) archives: Taylor & Francis (all up to the current issue), IOP Science (British Physical Publishers Society, from the first issue in 2000 to December 2015), Science Direct (Elsevier, from the first issue in 2000 to December 2007)
4) Bibliographic databases such as Web of Science and SCOPUS
5) In addition, the articles may be included in databases through secondary information distributors approved by NIMS, and may be distributed or sold as stand-alone articles.

Contact us

STAM Editorial Office
1-2-1 Sengen, Tsukuba, Japan